Understanding Reverse 2022 - 20 CPE Hours (REA222)

Regular price $139.00

What is a reverse mortgage? Is it more than a loan program for those who are “house-rich, but cash poor?” How does the “non-recourse feature” protect homeowners and their heirs? Can the available line of credit and its growth rate be used for insurance and financial planning purposes?This book answers these questions and many more in a user-friendly way and is the most comprehensive educational tool available on reverse mortgages. It should be read by baby boomers, retirees, heirs, financial planners, housing counselors, HECM counselors, Realtors®, brokers, financial journalists, mortgage professionals, estate planners, and of course all homeowners who want greater assurance that they can comfortably grow older in their own homes.

All course materials provided
No additional testing, grading or certificate fees
No prerequisites
Course level: Basic
Instructional Method: Self-Study

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